What are Hormones and Why Do We Need Them?

       Hormones are chemicals produced in the body that carry messages from their organ of origin to specific cells.  These cells, designed to keep the body’s natural balance in check, carry out the instructions received.  As one matures through and past menopause, or andropause in the case of men, major disruptions occur to our body and mind.  (We don’t say aging or getting “old”” in our clinic.  Our patients have an aversion to those terms.  Maturing seems to be an acceptable alternative.) We simply do not function as we did in our twenties.

      Maturing (aging) is often associated with a deterioration of one’s quality of life.  Fatigue, low energy, loss of motivation, weight gain, decreased sex drive, depressed mood, anxiety or irritability, loss of memory or loss of concentration are symptoms of a body in decline.   Fortunately, these symptoms are not “just maturing, or a part of getting older.” They are due to a decline in hormone levels.

       Hormone replacement therapy, specifically hormones identical to the ones mother nature provides, can help renew your zest for life!

       The benefits of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy include improved energy levels, improved fat loss, improved sex drive, improved memory & concentration, improved sleep, diminished night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, itching, and painful intercourse.  Wrinkles smooth, bones are protected and the risk of heart disease is reduced.

        Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can reverse the symptoms of hormone imbalance returning men and women to the optimal physical, sexual, mental, and emotional health of their 20’s and 30’s.

        When you visit the Ageless Zone, you will meet with board certified medical professionals who will review your concerns in a pleasant, private setting. You are invited to discuss your concerns in depth, and together we will develop a customized a treatment plan for your particular needs.